Support Sojourner in Spring 2021

Transforming lives impacted by domestic violence

We are proud to partner with Sojourner, Sendik’s Spring Charity Partner

Based in downtown Milwaukee, Sojourner is the largest provider of domestic violence services in Wisconsin with a mission to transform lives impacted by domestic violence. Sojourner offers shelter, safety, healing and support services to people impacted by domestic violence so they can live healthy, safe and peaceful lives. Donations from this campaign will fund emergency shelter, legal help and support services in our community.

Visit for resource’s and to learn more.

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline
(414) 933-2722

Domestic violence spikes during times of stress and economic hardship, and survivors need help now more than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. For people dealing with domestic violence, home is not always a safe place. Now through April 2021, support Sojourner by participating in various promotions at the register at your neighborhood Sendik’s.

Here are some short videos that highlight Sojourner’s work:

How Sojourner Transforms Lives
(Sojourner President & CEO Carmen Pitre)

A New Beginning | How Sojourner Helps | Sharing Hope
A domestic violence survivor’s experience
(Brief, 3-part video series)