Tofurky Sausage, Kielbasa, Plant Based 13 Oz
Tofurky®. Still family owned & independent since 1980. Excellent source of protein. No cholesterol. Low saturated fat. Original. Sausage. All vegan. Kielbasa. Just add polka. A peppery polish-style sausage with plenty of onion and garlic. Gets along great with potatoes, red cabbage or sauerkraut. It's also happy in a bun. Non GMO project verified.
The friendliest food on the plate. Good food is kind to people, animals, the environment, and especially tastebuds. That's exactly the kind of food we've been making at Tofurky for more than 35 years. Made with in Oregon. Certified B Corporation. 100% recycled paperboard. This packaging was made with recycled materials and low Voc inks. Recycle it.