Banquet Breaded Chicken Patties

0 g trans fat per serving. Inspected for wholesomeness by US Department of Agriculture. Fully cooked. For more information, go to or call 1-800-257-5191. Steps to a healthier you. % of Daily Recommended Amounts (per Serving): 15% daily grains; 25% of daily meat. Your plan for a balanced life. Free online program with personalized tools that help you find your balance in nutrition, activity and well-being. USDA Daily Recommended Amounts: 6 oz Equivalent Grains: One serving contains 1 oz equivalent (15% daily amount); 5-1/2 oz Equivalent Meat + Beans: One serving contains 1-1/2 oz equivalent (25% daily amount). Based on a 2000-calorie diet. Balance calories with physical activity. Food you love. Questions or comments, call Mon-Fri., 9:00 AM-7:00 PM (CST) 1-800-257-5191 (except national holidays). Please have entire package available when you call so we may gather information off the label.